Zombant April Progress Update

Well, I’ve made a bit of progress since the last devlog. Last month I focused on making the game’s appearance match the feel of the game a bit more, whereas this month was spent was spent putting the new sprites in the game. I also changed the game from the previous 2D platform perspective to a 2.5D perspective, which now allows the player more movement (as the player now can move on the Z-axis instead of just on the X-axis). While the progress continues to be slow (not a lot of time to contribute to development) the developments made this month have benefited the game and have made me more excited for future developments :).

I’ve  (if it works, I’ve never uploaded a video on here before) a video of the new character movement (which shows that the player can now move on the Z-axis! :D ) and of the new color palette (the sprites aren't finalized and are just flat colors at the moment).

Thank you for your interest in the game, I hope I will have more exciting developments next month :)

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